
GBDC: Global Benchmark Database, C++ Extension Module


GBDC provides efficient implementations of functions for benchmark instance identification, instance feature extraction and instance transformation. GBDC provides a command-line tool as well as the Python package gbdc. The Python package gbdc is used by Global Benchmark Database.


GBDC provides benchmark instance identifiers, feature extractors, and instance transformers for several problem domains, including propositional satisfiability (SAT) and optimization (MaxSAT), as well as Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PBO). A description of the supported domains, feature extractors, and instance transformers can be found in the documentation.

Installation from PyPI

Installation from Source


  1. Install libarchive
    • For Ubuntu: apt install libarchive-dev
    • For macOS: brew install libarchive
  2. Run the installation script within the repository directory. <!– #### Shipped Dependencies